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Friday, April 22, 2011

# Flower Rain - 黄花雨

我城市人的一份子,忙碌工作穿梭在古木参天的槟城街道里,全神贯注在路上的车辆和行人都不抬头望一望,不知不觉小小的黄花瓣飘落到我身上时才恍然大悟,又是观赏黄花雨的季节到了,四月的槟岛黄花树都已悄悄的开花绽放了。黄花树Angsana ( Burmese Rosewood ).
As a busy man working in the city of Penang, everyday walking under a shaded road in penang without notice what is happening above my head, when i am fully focus on to the busy traffic, I was distracted by a school of petals dropping on my shoulder.  I almost forgoten that April is the season to feel the flower rain under the Burmese Rosewood tree (Angsana ),  Angsana is blossom now.


我最难忘的经验是去年的时候,我骑上车子在槟城街道慢慢行使,就是这是大风起吹,把所有的黄花树吹得摇摇晃晃,一大把的黄花就像雪花飘飘掉落在车子上,我似身处在梦幻里一样,花瓣飘落的情景实在太美了。我喜欢观看花瓣飘飞的感觉,一颗接一颗的轻轻飘落,掉落在路上的也会翩翩起舞似的, 当风儿吹过时。

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