- Pulau Betong, Balik Pulau
观赏夕阳西下最美的地方是 浮罗的Pulau Betong ,
One of the cleanest and most beutiful sunset view beach in Penang. Fine white sand. Mild wave from the sea and very confortable cooling breeze from Malacca Straits.
槟城最美也最干静的海滩是浮罗的Pulau Betong. 白细的沙滩,疲弱的海浪,徐徐凉风,优静的环境,这一切都会让你陶醉在浪漫的气息里。 看到情侣牵手漫步,海浪轻轻朔掉情侣刚刚留下的脚印,仿佛跟作偷偷听情侣们的轻声细语,西边的夕阳也缓缓沉下,好像在提醒情侣们也该回家作息了。
Why just sit at home? Just spent 30 minutes drive from Geogetown to Pulau Betong, Balik Pulau watching a wonderful sunset here. Enjoy a beautiful beaches, white sand, clear water, blue sky and golden sunset. Bring along your love one and you sure feel the world is just so beautiful.
为什么你我还在家里? 只有30分钟历程就可以找到的世外桃源,这里有美丽的海滩,清澈的海水,蔚蓝的天空,金黄色的斜阳,真的如恃如画,美不胜收,携手并肩和你心爱的人漫步在这里得确完美无瑕。
"乐游原" 李商隐
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