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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

# Sg Batu Beach 公芭海滨公园

Batu Ferringhi, Tanjung Bungar only beaches in Penang??
The answer is No.. There are many more because Penang is an island. 槟岛四面环岛,不怕没沙滩,只怕你不知。

Sg Batu Telur Kumber 公芭海滨公园 

Sg Batu - beaches and recreation park
Everyday is a summer day in Penang. Warm sand, cooling sea water everywhere here.  Windy weather and quite beach can be labeled to Sg Batu beach.  I never though that this beach just like a garden.  A role of " Rhu " trees just like the guardian of the sea.  There are swing along with the wind, just like dancing in the sky.  The sound of the leaf by wind, just like singing with the rythem of the wave of sea.

 槟岛是个每天都是夏季海岛,温热的气候和宁静的沙滩那就是 公芭海滨公园, 我没想到它也是个花园,一排排的岚树就像海洋的卫士雄壮的树立在海滩上,树叶随风摇摆就像在天上偏偏起舞,那树叶沙沙的响,就像和海浪的旋律朗朗歌颂。
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It was a lazy evening.  The shade of trees keep me relax. Listen to the sound of nature make me sleepy.  without knowing, I was falling into sweet sweet dream. 


Time go by and when I wake up due to the sun light is shining to my eye in the late evening.  The world become golden in colour. I feel lucky and happy because I stay in the country which full of wonder.  That is a gift of nature.  On the other hand, I feel sad because the moment of sun set just so short.   

时间很快的过去了, 夕阳夕光照耀在我的眼皮上使我如梦初醒,当我梦醒时已经是夕阳西下了,大地都被夕阳照至满地通红。


At this moment, at this upon of time I realise that the meaning of "PRESENT "  Enjoy present because it come and never return.  It is the present from god.  在此时此刻,我领悟的当下的意义,时间一去不返,“PRESENT 当下“ 也是天给我们的礼物。

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