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Saturday, April 30, 2011

# Lebuh Armenian “打铜街“

Walking along the Lebuh Armenian in the lazy afternoon, you never believe that you are in moden city of Geoge Town.  The scene, the building, the people, the eviroment just not match your logic.  You are confusing about where is this place ?  It look like in China town but not really because there are European restaurant, coffee house and art galleries.  The weather like Malay calture but Indian architecture are at every corners.  This is the unique eviroment can't not find in any countries but in Penang. Check it out !  一个懒散的下午,走在槟城人称为打铜街的古屋区,你可能不敢想信在高度发展的乔治市,所见到的街景,人与屋,完全不合逻辑。 明明是像唐人街但又好像身欧美,明明是马来文化的气息但又像印度风情,这么美妙的情景只有在槟城, 来发掘吧!

Friday, April 22, 2011

# Flower Rain - 黄花雨

我城市人的一份子,忙碌工作穿梭在古木参天的槟城街道里,全神贯注在路上的车辆和行人都不抬头望一望,不知不觉小小的黄花瓣飘落到我身上时才恍然大悟,又是观赏黄花雨的季节到了,四月的槟岛黄花树都已悄悄的开花绽放了。黄花树Angsana ( Burmese Rosewood ).
As a busy man working in the city of Penang, everyday walking under a shaded road in penang without notice what is happening above my head, when i am fully focus on to the busy traffic, I was distracted by a school of petals dropping on my shoulder.  I almost forgoten that April is the season to feel the flower rain under the Burmese Rosewood tree (Angsana ),  Angsana is blossom now.


我最难忘的经验是去年的时候,我骑上车子在槟城街道慢慢行使,就是这是大风起吹,把所有的黄花树吹得摇摇晃晃,一大把的黄花就像雪花飘飘掉落在车子上,我似身处在梦幻里一样,花瓣飘落的情景实在太美了。我喜欢观看花瓣飘飞的感觉,一颗接一颗的轻轻飘落,掉落在路上的也会翩翩起舞似的, 当风儿吹过时。

Friday, April 15, 2011

# Penang Monkey Beach

Monkey Beach, There are many monkey on the beach? Not really but you may spotting some monkey jumping around the bush.  This is one of the nice, clean and " virgin" beach remain on the Penang island.  Unfortunately, I discovered that tourist and local tour guides who prepared food for tourist slowly damaging the nature by building up illegal tent, leaving unfinish food, leaving rubbish in the bush.  

Monkey beach located North-West of the island.  Come and feel the nature, touch the leaf, step on the sand, let the  morning sun shine on your body, feel the warm and get the cool sea water spashing on your body.  Nothing spa is better then doing this on Monkey Beach. 

Monkey Beach, 这是猴子滩吗? 好多猴子出没的地方吗?不见得。但是我们可见到一些猴子在草丛中嬉戏,这沙滩可见得唯一剩下来的,少污染的沙滩,可是还可以见到一些游客和本地导游正在慢慢破坏它的自然环境,尤其是非法建筑,厨余 和垃圾都留在此处。



Spent a good time with friends

Coconut trees and a fisherman house

Friday, April 8, 2011

# Penang Hill 升旗山 (2) Flora & Fauna

David Brown Restaurant located on the top of the Penang Hill.  Spent an afternoon here and have a cup of hot tea with scone.  It is one of the best place for afternoon tea.

Nice garden , part of restaurant.

David Brown Restaurant.

Interior of David Brown restaurant

This is another hotel on the top of hill.


A view from hotel

A nice chit chat place in the hotel.

If you are lucky, You may discovered a giant mushroom which is 2 to3 times bigger then a riggit note.

# Penang Hill 升旗山 (1) View & Buildings

升旗山对大家来说绝对不陌生,也许小时侯去过一次后就没在去了,大家记忆模糊了吧!  Penang Hill, a place you are familiar, been here for many years ago but couldn't remember much about it.

Let's have a tour again, you much see again, again and again just simply unique building, greenery, cooling weather, peaceful enviroment and panorama view of Georgetown.

Hill Train's track which was build in 1922.

Fast speed train

About to reach the hill top.

A rest area on the top of hill. You will enjoy the cooling and windy weather.

Panorama view of Georgetown, even prai, butterworth and BM as well during good weather.

Penang Bridge

A typical building on the hill
 A rest area for group or family outing, picnic and camping are not a bad destination.

There are many nice bangalow

There are also many British heritages found here, Canon, telephone hut and post office remain well keep.

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